
To Tuition or not to Tuition?

I had to use my mobile phone as a substitute for a radio since my car music player has been stolen. Of course the damn reception was poor (*that's always the case if you are driving around the city). But it does serve the purpose of providing music and information during my morning drive to work.

This morning, the topic on the air was about tuitions. I was wondering what the fuss was about, as I didn't have a clue that this topic was also the headlines of today's Star newspaper. Yup, it's true, tuitions are the rage among school children nowadays. Back then, I didn't attend any tuitions except of the mandatory tuitions (*damn! keep on typing "tuiton") in Primary 6. I couldn't understand why I needed tuitions, and till now, sad to say, I still havent' come to terms to these children attending tuitions. Children back then were so "deprived" of these extra classes! hahaha...(*but hey, we get loads of time for play and tv rite?)

Tuitions nowadays don't come cheap. The last I heard from my mom, whose jogging mate is a primary school teacher and giving tuitions to her students, was around RM200/month! Gosh! I remembered paying only RM25 a month back then. These teachers sure make some good money out of these students. And I thought it was suppose to a supplementary income for the teachers. (*and still they complain of administrative paper work, and low salary..my god, they are having months of school holidays each year and a fat tuition income to fatten it up)

That aside, I'm not saying tuition is bad. Of course, some extra coaching is always good. Parents shouldn't send their kids for tuition just because they have this mentality "since now they can afford it, I should let my kids have it". And of course, not forgetting the "kiasu" spirit among modern days parents. To them, more means better. Pity some of these kids, I think they are basically studying almost 12 hours day! Where will all the carefree days of childhood be enjoyed?

I'm glad I didn't have to go through endless of tuitions. And thanks to mom for her "sensible" decision...haha. I was spared the torture. But of course I made up for it by studying hard on my own, and had my own ways of prying extra info from my other friends who attended tuitions :P oh, probably a little luck and cleverness helped...hahaha..(*yup, i admit i memang thick face a bit...) But hey, I managed to come up among the top of the class, didn't I? haha.. well, well...all that are history, and I just hope that parents and kids will realise tuitions are not the only education source. All work and no play makes John a dull boy..(*erm..don't remember what exactly was that phrase...anyway, you get the idea).

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