
Ah Long's Wedding @ 17/11/2007

It isn't everyday you get to see Ah Long dressed up in nice suit, and his hair neatly combed :P It was such a pretty sight to see Joey and Ah Long holding hand in hand, giving toast to the guests, and playing host to their own wedding party!

Though it a vegetarian lunch, I must say the food is awesome! Even the food presentation is interesting. We're trying to guess what each plate of food was made from (e.g mushroom, taufu, beans etc..) What creative chefs they have.

the couple walking in car in ribbons

the 1st dish save the best for last!

...and all of us who went...

And of course, go here for more of the wedding lunch photos.

1 comment:

yen4travel said...

To quote this from you post: "It isn't everyday you get to see Ah Long dressed up in nice suit, and his hair neatly combed "

how i wish i was there....

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