
Wedding Bells-A-Ringing

I think I'm gonna go broke this coming few months...You don't agree? Wait till you hear out my stories.
1. Met my old secondary school mate - she's getting married this month - no invitation from her yet.
2. Got a call few days ago from my old primary school mate - she's getting married in coming January - got the invitation already.
3. Got another call from one of my old buddies yesterday while I was driving home - yup, getting married next month too. And you bet I would have to attend this one, as I've already told you she used to be one of closest "gang" member. And I haven't seen her for ages since she went studying in USM, Penang.
4. ...Who else ar?? ...??
See, I told ya. Three wedding bells in a row, I think it's possibly a good time to get married. And 2 "samans" received. I didn't realise wedding bells are already catching up with my group of friends...OMG! am I supposed to get married soon too? :O Nah...I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Kiasu is one thing, but getting married is a big hell of a business man...hmm...think twice, think thrice if you can..haha..
I think I should be counting myself lucky to have received these invitations. It means you have friends, and friends who still think you presence on their important day is significant to them. Yeah...I would definitely want all of my friends there at my wedding day, and get their blessings. =)

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